8 Tips To Care For Your Jewellery

Caring for your Jewellery
Caring for your jewellery is essential to maintain its beauty and longevity. Below are some frerquently asked questions about caring for your precious jewellery to ensure your jewellery shines brightly and looks as good as new.
At Jewel Beetle, we have small silver jewellery cleaning cloths available to purchase in store from $6. There are a range of jewellery dip solutions available but be cautious as it's not suitable for all types of jewellery.
For severely tarnished items, a professional clean and polish may be necessary. At Jewel Beetle we are happy to help restore silvers natural shine. Our complimentary clean applies if it's a Jewel Beetle design otherwise we charge a small fee (from $12) for all other jewellery items.
Storing Jewellery
Can I put all my jewellery together in one box?
Consider buying a jewellery box or repurposing any box and create soft compartments for your jewellery pieces to sit in. Jewel Beetle jewellery comes in soft pouches or boxes where single items can be stored safely. A nice box that displays all your jewellery together will make it easier to choose what to wear. Don't forget to keep your jewellery box in a secure location when you're away from home or on vacation, as leaving it out could make it an easy target for burglars.

Wearing Jewellery
Is it okay to wear my jewellery while I sleep?
It's usually okay to wear jewelry at night, but be careful with delicate pieces such as chains that might get tangled, kinked or stretched while you're lying down. Earrings, other than "sleepers," could easily get lost among the bed sheets!
Can I wear my jewellery during physical activities?
It's best to leave jewellery at home or in a safe place during physical activities to avoid damaging both the jewellery and yourself. Earrings can also easily get hooked up causing injury during sports. Rings also pose risks during sports activities and may need to be cut off in case of an injury. Fixing a ring that was significantly damaged by someone hastily removing it with pliers can be expensive to repair. Titanium or Tungsten rings are nearly impossible to cut off in the event of an emergency. For some people, silver might react when you break a sweat! Your skin's acidity and even meds sneaking out through your pores can turn your silver pieces a nasty shade of black.
Should I wear my jewellery when swimming?
It is not widely known, but bleach and chlorine found in pools or spas can also harm jewellery. Over a prolonged time, the chlorine can gradually break down the alloys in gold, causing the metal to become brittle and deteriorate. This is particularly problematic for delicate claw settings on certain rings. Unfortunately the damage is usually beyond repair. So if you swim regulary we’d advise you not to wear your jewellery to the pool or in your spa.
Cleaning Jewellery
How do I keep my jewellery clean?
Every piece of Jewel Beetle jewellery comes with a lifetime free jewellery clean. You are welcome to drop by during our opening hours for a free professional cleaning service. However, if you are keen on giving your jewellery a clean yourself, here’s a few tips: Rings especially are magnets for all kinds of sticky things. Whether it’s gardening, cooking or during other messy activities you can’t avoid dirt and gunge accumulating especially under your gemstone settings. This is the main reason your diamonds may look dull and not as sparkly as you remember them My suggestion is to simply to avoid wearing your jewellery gardening to protect gemstones and settings but its OK wear them when you do the dishes! Having cleaned many pieces of jewellery over the years I personally never wear any rings while I prepare a meal, ever!
What chemicals can I use for cleaning jewellery?
There are various suggestions on the internet for cleaning and bringing back sparkle on your jewellery from a 15-minute soak in white vinegar to a baking soda and salt solution on aluminium foil. At home, I use of a cup of hot water, a squirt of dishwashing liquid and a small amount of cloudy ammonia from your local supermarket. Leave your jewellery for a little soak. This works wonders for rings with gemstones as well as chains. Dip a soft toothbrush in the solution and gently scrub in and around your gemstone settings to remove what might be hiding there, rinse well, and be amazed at how this brings back the sparkle to your gemstones and chains. Now before you jump in and throw all your jewellery in a cup of soapy liquid be aware that you should never put pearls, Opals and other organic stones in hot dishwater, Vinegar or other chemicals. Chemicals are very harmful to these organic materials. We also suggest you keep them away from perfume and strong body lotions.

How do I clean my Pearls?
To clean your pearls, simply wipe them gently with a cloth dipped in a weak solution of wool wash. Pearls are generally fine in water since they are cultivated in water. Be mindful, if they are on a string then avoid soaking them as this can stretch the silk cord. And be careful not to scorch your pearls while reaching into a hot oven to save your baking!
My silver jewellery is tarnished how do I remove this?
Again, the internet offers many solutions you can cook up at home but the easiest way is to purchase a silver dip solution available at supermarkets or jewellery stores. Clean the piece beforehand as above, then immerse it in the solution for a minute and rinse thoroughly. Finish by rubbing with a silver cloth to restore shine. Silver cloths are impregnated with a special solution to help bring back shine to your jewellery. Never wash these cloths as the special solution will be removed and your cloth will no longer work. For severely tarnished items, a professional clean and polish may be necessary.